Make your homepage look good.
Featured | Abstract | Nature | Landscapes | Places | Simple | Space | Cars | Music | Sports | Random Upload Custom
Olympic Rings
Quick Artwork Race While Watching the Woman's Elite Great Edinburgh Run 2011 / Cardiovascular Masters
Chess with champagne !
Shoreditch Globetrotter
Project 365 #104: 140409 Oh Balls!
billiard balls
Pool, Anyone?
not ready for the big leagues yet (25/365)
Featured | Abstract | Nature | Landscapes | Places | Simple | Space | Cars | Music | Sports | Random Upload Custom
Setup Steps
Search Slate To set this theme as your homepage, drag the search icon (left), and drop it on the home icon at the top of your browser (near the address bar).
If the homepage icon doesn't appear on your browser, follow these steps'
  1. Click 'Tools->Options' (Win) or 'Firefox->Preferences' (Mac).
  2. Click 'General'
  3. Set 'When Firefox starts' to 'Show my homepage'
  4. Set 'Home Page' to:
  5. loading
Setup Steps
Search Slate Hold down shift and drag the search icon (left), and drop it on your toolbar.

You can also set it as your homepage:
  1. Go to your 'Tools->Preferences' (Win) or 'Opera->Preferences' (Mac)
  2. Click 'General'
  3. Set 'Startup' to 'Start with home page''
  4. Under the 'Homepage' section, change the value to:
Setup Steps
To set this theme as your homepage, follow the instructions below:
  1. Click 'Safari' and then 'Preferences'.
  2. Click 'General'
  3. Set 'New windows open with' to 'Homepage'
  4. Set 'New tabs open with' to 'Homepage''
  5. Under the 'Homepage' section, change the value to: